Why become a Child’Space practitioner?

The way in which infants perceive, organise and process information directly affects the development of movement skills and the way they relate to their environment.

Monitoring and supporting an infant on this critical journey influences his physical, social, emotional and cultural adjustments throughout his life.

In recent years a growing number of children are requiring special education services, even as early as kindergarten.

Early intervention and stimulation of a child’s primary developmental pathways can prevent or alleviate some of the manifestations of impaired development that many in our society are experiencing.

This is why we’ve developed a two-year training program to teach people to become an official Child’Space practitioner.

Manuel Reetz
Manuel Reetz Feldenkrais practitioner
As a Feldenkrais practitioner my daily business is movement. I thought, that I have a good understanding about movement and patterns. Child’Space offers for me a new point of view for movement. Babies are playing with gravity as a very new thing in their life. Grown-up persons know gravity, but have no awareness of it and of their patterns dealing with it.

So Child’Space is bringing me back to my roots and let me experience movement from a baby’s point of view while playing with gravity. A very big adventure.

Child’Space graduates report that, in addition to their new professional skills of working with babies and parents/caregivers, the Training Program has deepened and broadened their understanding of the theoretical roots and structure of the Feldenkrais Method, improved their FI (Functional Integration/individual lessons) and ATM (Awareness Through Movement) skills, and sharpened their observation skills concerning the connection between movement, emotions and cognitive development.