by Tjitske de Boer | Jul 5, 2017 | Child'Space Method, Special Needs
For children with special needs, like Lidia’s daughter Irina, the Child‘Space Method has prooven to be an effective way to help the child with special needs in the development and the use of himself. As you can see in this video series below the Child’Space Method...
by Martha Kloukina | Jun 30, 2017 | Child'Space Method, cruising, fine motoric, learning to walk
Athens, February 2016 The boy in the video Billy and his mother took part in Child’Space group lessons with me when Billy was 5 months old. They came back to me to have a follow up lesson when Billy became 11 months old. Billy was a typical development baby, so the...
by Orly Gat | Apr 25, 2017 | Child'Space Method
When I gave birth to my third child, I stood at a professional crossroad (as has happened for many women before me). I had ten years’ experience as an occupational therapist, eight of them in a day centre, caring for adults with motor and cognitive disabilities (many...
by Lauren D'Arsie | Apr 14, 2017 | Child'Space Method, Parents
The value of the Child’Space Method is reflected in the quality of the connection it brings to the parent-baby relationship. There is presently extensive research and interest around infant attachment and parent-baby attunement. Parents make careful choices about the...
by Sabine Schmid Blackaby | Mar 17, 2017 | Child'Space Method
When I encountered the Child’Space Method I was already working with children in my capacity as a Feldenkrais teacher. And although, originally trained as a Kindergarten teacher in Switzerland and used to working with children between the ages of 5 and 7, I...
by Sabine Schmid Blackaby | Jan 30, 2017 | Child'Space Method
Working with Lana Lana first came to me when she was five and a half months old. She was recommended to me by a colleague who is a Handle practitioner and mainly works with autistic children. Lana was born with Corpus Callosum Disorder, a condition where the structure...
by Dorette Grottschreiber | Jan 12, 2017 | Child'Space Method
As a Feldenkrais-practitioner I work quite often with the tapping. Tapping and squeezing seems to be something that ALL clients love regardless of their age, questions and problems. I use it also for clients with MS and Parkinson-disease. One (adult) Parkinson-client...
by Tjitske de Boer | Jan 6, 2017 | Child'Space Method
Dr. Chava Shelhav developed her Child’Space Method because she saw that adult problems could be brought back to the first developmental years. As if it was not fully developed in the first place. To go through all those developmental issues through movement and...
by Joel Roth | Nov 19, 2016 | Child'Space Method
Henry, 10 months, is just learning to stand. In this short video, Chava helps him to feel his structure using touch and using her voice. It is a process parents can use to help their children feel and to regulate themselves, and prepares them for learning. Chava helps...
by Tjitske de Boer | Oct 14, 2016 | Child'Space Method, Parents, Special Needs
Lidia’s child Irina is a child with special needs. Lidia shares her story in her search for cure and help for her child and how the Child’Space Method has helped both Irina and her family. A blog in two episodes. This is episode two. You can read episode 1 here....