The Child’Space Method
The Child’Space Method enriches a child’s learning during the crucial period of development from birth to independent walking. It is an interactive, learning approach utilising touch, movement and sensory engagement.
Child’Space takes its name from an approach of interacting which respects a child’s space, either by letting her explore on her own, or giving her activities to suit the child’s pace and temperament.
Although development during this crucial period may seem to happen of its own accord, parents and caregivers contribute in many ways of which they may be unaware. Most early stimulation happens through touch, movement, handling and face-to-face communication. These interactions have a great impact on a baby’s curiosity, concentration, pleasure, confidence and regulation of mood. It also influences social and motor competences and effects appetite and digestion.
The Child’Space Method teaches parents how to use routine activities and play to stimulate development of motor, sensory, cognitive, emotional and social abilities. It also improves parent-baby co-regulation and attunement, leading to more optimal attachment. Parents and caregivers learn to observe their child and how to support their child’s development using touch, voice, song, rhythm and movement.
Each Child’Space session involves activities that enhance a baby’s sense of herself and bring together multiple developing competences in service of new abilities. Sessions often lead to immediate improvements to children’s lives as infants and toddlers, while preparing them for later challenges such as jumping, holding a pencil and playing with a ball. These abilities can have great social and psychological significance.
The strategy of focusing on learning and providing functional opportunities makes the Child’Space Method applicable to all babies and children, ranging from assisting with typical development through to helping children with special needs.