by Tjitske de Boer | Feb 16, 2018 | Child'Space Method, Feldenkrais Method
I have a background as a physiotherapist. When I got in touch with the Feldenkrais Method way back in 1978, I immediately felt that this was great stuff and I want to learn more. Now I’m giving Mindful Movements in an educational training Mindful Physiotherapy....
by Tjitske de Boer | Oct 14, 2016 | Child'Space Method, Feldenkrais Method, Parents, Special Needs
Lidia’s child Irina has what is known as quadriplegia. She shares her story in her search for cure and help for her child and how the Child’Space Method has helped both Irina and her family. A blog in two episodes. This is episode one. ‘Before Irina was...